EasyOrder. The professional B2B for your Client...on Mobile and Web App

App tailored-made for orders aquisition from your clients and capable of offering integrated services to the Sales Network.

App Android

Download from the Play store and login with the email you have been invited and set your password

Web App

To access you only need to have the direct link to your database and follow the procedure

App iOS

Download from the App Store and execute the access with the email you have been invited and set your password

EasyOrder: App B2B e-commerce for Orders aquisition

save time and money

App customized

Appointments planning in few clicks and the Agent is able to Geolocate the clients on the interactiv map

eliminate errors and misunderstandings

Avoid transcripts errors and paper modules

No more paper order, misunderstood Order transcription. It is easy to have an Order filled in from the Client.
make your client indipendent

Direct Orders and Reorders

The Customer with his personal Account, he has an e-commerce B2B available on App iOS and Android and online on the Web, to create his own orders in complete autonomy.

manage several customers

Order filled-in self service mode

Don't miss any order anymore and don't wait for the Agent to manage the Client, leave the Customer himself a direct access to the visual catalog in a private B2B.
INtegrable with all tools

Connected to the company tools

Data are retrieved and exchanged with other informatic system already in use in the Company to enable all departments to work at best

interactif catalog

Digitation catalog

All your Products and Items visible from any mobile device and desktop with customized sheets, rich in details
control on stock and reorders

Verify quantities and stock in warehouse

Functions integrated with the warehouse or connection to the entry system, enabling the Agent and Customer to know in real time wich products are available also for variants.

prices always up todate

Prices and Listings updated

A powerfull tool of E-commerce B2B  capable of managing milions of references with customized listings very articulated.
Professional with emotional graphic

Graphic with your Logo and branded Showcase

Adaptable to your working method, EasyOrder integrated in OneOrder also becomes a tool of presentation of your commercial offer, customized with graphics impact and emotional layout of your Brand.
The only Platform in Italy for Order Collection that you can customize by yourself without computer skills, and add functionalities !

The only professional solution in Italy to manage Orders, Clients and
Sale Network
paying only 1 Cloud

App B2B simplified for Customers with your Product Catalog in a Private Customer Area enterely customized with your Logo. From here the Client, in full autonomy, can issue orders, reorders and find out the latest commercial promo.

How much does EasyOrder cost?


Independently edit the fields, sections, tables and functions of OneOrder to simplify and speed up the acquisition and management of mobile orders. Customize the EasyOrder B2B e-commerce Showcase to reach your customers with an attractive commercial offer and activate the functions of Orders in Self mode.

Who uses EasyOrder

Customers B2B, Selling Points, Retailers, Franchising, Resellers and Commercial partners

Transform Orders modules in a simplified App EasyOrder for B2B

Offer your customers and business partners an application where you can scroll your products, discover your commercial offers and place Orders independently. Intuitive and easy to use, the App and the Web portal come with your logo and customizable Home to give full space to your Promos and Commercial initiatives.

  • DISTRIBUTION of finished procucts